Sick Days:
I did take Esther into the doctor. He says she just has a cold. (Thank you, Lord.) But she's still coughing and congested. Please pray for her.
Alena and Kenni are getting better. Pray they'll heal complete.
Please pray that Andy and I stay HEALTHY. :)
Andy has been a big help around the house. He has be filling in the gap when things get overwhelming and making sure to help maintain the household chores, especially over the weekends. It has been a huge blessing.
We are learning how to be a romantic couple while having the partnership of being parents. :) Sometimes we focus more on getting things done and taking care of the little ones... then just being affectionate with each other and having date nights. That's what we need prayers for. :)
Btw, he loved his Christmas present. I got him a Seahawks hat personalized with his name. :D
New Year:
Do you have any goals for the new year?? I do!
Goals are important. They give you something to aim at and help you stay on track. They inspire you to do more with your life.
Set a goal. Don't give up. Keep trying. :)
Here are a few of mine:
#1 Continue to read my Bible daily
#2 Continue to blog weekly
#3 Read all the books on my bookshelf
#4 Try new recipes in my cookbooks