Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sick Days

Sick Days:

Sorry, everyone, I wanted to do a blog post before Christmas. But from Wednesday, the 19th, I've been taking care of sick little babies. First it was Kenni for a few days and Alena caught up to her.... and sadly now, Esther is my sick one. :( So it's been a rough Christmas season for me.

I did take Esther into the doctor. He says she just has a cold. (Thank you, Lord.) But she's still coughing and congested. Please pray for her.

Alena and Kenni are getting better. Pray they'll heal complete.

Please pray that Andy and I stay HEALTHY. :)


Andy has been a big help around the house. He has be filling in the gap when things get overwhelming and making sure to help maintain the household chores, especially over the weekends. It has been a huge blessing.

We are learning how to be a romantic couple while having the partnership of being parents. :) Sometimes we focus more on getting things done and taking care of the little ones... then just being affectionate with each other and having date nights. That's what we need prayers for. :)

Btw, he loved his Christmas present. I got him a Seahawks hat personalized with his name. :D

New Year:

Do you have any goals for the new year?? I do! 

Goals are important. They give you something to aim at and help you stay on track. They inspire you to do more with your life. 

Set a goal. Don't give up. Keep trying. :)

Here are a few of mine:
#1 Continue to read my Bible daily
#2 Continue to blog weekly
#3 Read all the books on my bookshelf
#4 Try new recipes in my cookbooks

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Our Little Girls


Guess what everyone?! Little Esther is now 3 months old! It's amazing how quickly she has grown. Her starting weight was 4 lbs and now she is 9.5 lbs! She is doing so well. She's healthy, growing, and eating well. :D I just took her Christmas/3 mo. photos.


Poor little girl has been sick this week. She started feeling ill on Tuesday... and still not well today. Please pray for our little girl. She has also been having trouble sleeping all week long, too (which meant Andy and I haven't had much sleep...) and last night we all finally slept through the night. Pray she's get well soon. :(


I gave this little girl her first haircut! Yahoo! I know, I'm a little daring... but it's fun to try something new and to challenge myself. I love the way it turned out. I know it will save us money, too. ;)

Btw, she also has been ill. So please pray for our girls to get well. THANKS!


I'm so thrilled that my brother is finally home from COLLEGE!!! He got to see and hold Esther for the first time. Precious moment. <3 And of course he was so happy to see Alena and Kenni! 


Thanks for your prayers for me to be a brave witness for Jesus and pass out tracts. I had several opportunities and took advantage of them. YEAH! 

Thanks for your prayers for Andy's gift. FOUND the perfect one! SO EXCITED! :)


Please pray for our daughters to get well. Pray Esther, Andy, and I will stay healthy. :)

Pray for our families to celebrate Jesus' birth in a way that will honor and magnify Him. :D Focused on Him.

Pray that this coming week will be peaceful inwardly and exciting outwardly... and just a wonderful week!

**I need rest... and strength... and your prayers. They make a difference.**

Thank You!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Be a Successful Friend


Psalm 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times."

Some say "I'm shy and can't make friends." Others say "I'll get hurt."

Guess what? People assume that since I'm a friendly person.... I'm a good friend. But... it not true. I've been a poor friend for many years, but I've learn how to be a good friend.

Be a Successful Friend:

(Don't expect people to be friends with you. It's depended upon you. You must FIRST be a friend to others.)

Proverbs 18:24 "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

#1 Be Positive/Have a Good Attitude

Smile. Encourage others. Realize you'll make mistakes and let it go. Forgive others and yourself.

#2 Listen

Put them first in the conversation. Ask questions. Concentrate on what they are saying. Just listen.

#3 Prayer

Even if you aren't close or maybe you are distant, prayer will keep them in your thoughts and will inspire you to be a better friend. Pray for their needs. Pray for their problems. Pray for your friendship. Pray for them to just have a good day. Pray.

#4 Keep trying. Don't stop. Don't let go.

Let's say you fail some friends. Pray for them. Wait on the Lord. 

Let's say you aren't close to anyone and are shy. Try. Smile. Talk to people.

Let's say you got hurt. Guess what? We all get hurt. But that's okay. We give that friendship to God and the pain. We can make new friends. :)

So go be a friend to someone. :D


God has been so good to us. I have never been so dependent on my Bible reading and prayer with my Saviour, but I've also never felt so much peace and joy as I have now. I don't stress. I don't worry. My family is kinda shocked at it. :D Thanks for the prayers for my inner being and my spirit. It stands out.


Better Witness: My church has tracts that we can pass out during this season. Pray I will be bolder and braver. Pray for those who get one. Pray they'll read it and their hearts will be open to the message.

Shopping: Halfway done. :D YAHOO. Please pray that I'll get the right gifts for Andy. I want to be a blessing to him.

Girls: Continue to pray for them as I raise them for the Lord.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013



the quality of being patientas the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

I'm working on it. With three little girls, there are moments when I need to stop and just...... breathe

Times when I need to just be patient... 

Patient, while Alena tries to go potty... and takes forever (a long time)...
Patient, while the girls try to fall asleep for a nap.... 
Patient, while teaching them how to eat without making major messes...
Patient, while caring for Alena and Kenni... and Esther's hungry...
Patient, while checking the window to see if Andy's coming home...

Patient and calm, while they are all cranky and wanting to be held... at the same time. 

Yes, it can be challenging to be patient... to wait and be calm. But I'm know I have a God who cares about me and my problems (1 Peter 5:7). He cares about my family. I rely on Him to help me through each moment. I rest in His promises. 

I pray through those moments. "Lord, help the girls to sleep." "Lord, give me ideas for training them to eat right."

I repeat often throughout the day... "Trust in the Lord... Trust in the Lord... Lord, I'm trusting you... I'm rely on your help..." (Pro. 3:5) 

I'm happy that God has been teaching me patience, because I am more patient now with myself (my faults and failures), with my husband, and with my friends. :D


Andy & I had a fabulous anniversary! We spent most of the day without Alena and Kenni. (Thanks in-laws!!) So we relaxed... by taking some wonderful pictures of Seattle and going clothes shopping... then later we went to an amazing restaurant Maggiano's for dinner! (They have a great deal for two!) It was a really good day for us. 


Alena: More food varieties and still potty training
Kenni: Learn to speak more words
Esther: Continue to grow and have a flexible, workable nursing schedule

Me: Patience. That I'll have more.

Andy: Continue to grow spiritually and expand his talents (musician, graphic designer, photographer...)

Christmas Shopping: Pray we'll get all the shopping done. :D

James: My brother is coming in from college Saturday and staying til mid-January. Pray he'll have safe travels and a great Christmas vacation at home. :D

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebrating Life

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12


I'm so thankful that I'm alive and healthy. I'm so glad that my family is all alive and healthy

Sometimes we tend to forget the good things we do have. We have shelter over us. We have food in abundance. We have clothes on our back. It's good to just be thankful.

Several families I know are dealing with heartache and sorrow at the passing of a loved one. Others are hurting because of sickness, cancer, and illness. 

This Christmas... take a moment and hug those close to you. Cherish each memory. Appreciate all you have. 

Smile more. :)


Alena is doing well at potty training and is trying new foods.
Kenni is learning new words. Yeah!
Esther is growing fast!


Our anniversary is tomorrow. :) Four wonderful years of marriage. Pray that it will be awesome and memorable. Thanks!