Thursday, July 31, 2014

Embarrassed to Ask

As I mentioned, my previous week was a rough one. But what was more challenging was for me to humble myself and ask for help. We'd rather try to handle something on our own, because it is difficult and discomforting to appear weak. Mostly, it is embarrasing to ask... 

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that ye may be healed." James 5:16

"Confess your faults":

Whether we have a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual weakness, we need help to be able to overcome them or to get through it. It's easy to think we can do it on our own, but unfortunately, it's not true. (Gal. 6:2, Ecc. 4:9-12) We get embarrassed because others see us as strong individuals or we don't want to disappoint those around or we are just simply proud.

Embarrass: " to cause confusion and shame to; make uncomfortably self-conscious; disconcert; abash"

"Pray One for Another":

Last week, I called two of my close godly friends, explain to them what was going on, and asked them to pray for me. God also appointed for me to be able to share my sitiuation with a godly mature woman in my church. She listened and said she'd pray for me. If you are going through a trial, find a godly mature (older) friend to pray for you. Don't share your trial with your peers unless they are strong in their own faith. (Prov 13:20 and 12:15)

"That Ye may be Healed":

Patience and time is important in this process. Wait upon The Lord. Things normally don't happen overnight, so just be patient in your own growth and discomfort. Realize God is working through the situation. He will care for you. (1 Peter 5:7, Romans 8:28) 

My daughters love to sing the song:

Jesus Loves me,
This I know,
For the Bible tells me so,
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak,
but He is strong.

God is our strength even when we are weak or are failing or are going through trials. Don't forget that! :D

"The Effectual Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man Availeth Much." is the rest of that verse.

As you go through trials or are being refined like gold, remember it molds you into a righteous man. Keep praying and keep your eyes focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2, Prov. 24:5)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Though He Slay Me...

"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him." Job 13:15

Rough Week:

This week has been a VERY trying one. I wrote a blog post on Monday. The minute I completely finished it, it was erased. I was heartbroken. I tried rewriting it several times, with disruptions and distractions. This week has been emotional too. My friends and family have been going through difficulties and trials: death of close loved one, broken hearts, long distant move, and sibling strife. People have judged me and the choices I make. This blog has even discouraged me. Outside a few close family members, (I wonder) does anyone even read this blog?

"He Slay Me":

Do you ever feel like giving up? 

...Or instead of peace, you get frustrations and stress?

...Or instead of help, you get hindrance and more burdens?

...Or instead of delicious banana bread, you get black burnt toast?

...Or instead of yummy red lettuce, you get mustard greens?

Do you feel unappreciated or unnoticed? 

Do you ever wonder why you even try? 
Do you want to just quit?

"Yet will I trust in Him":

We must realize that God has a reason for everything. God allows things to happen to help us grow and mold us (even through fire) to be pure gold. It's uncomfortable and might be painful, but it causes us to depend on God more. We cling more to our Saviour and His promises. (Romans 8:28) We look more toward Heaven, our eternal home.

"I will Maintain Mine Own Ways":

Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

We must continue to do the things God has called us to do, despite setbacks, discouragement, strife, or failures. 
We must maintain our way before Him and obey His commandments, even when we can't see God or feel Him near us. Bible reading, praying, and attending church are things that can help us stay on track when we go through tough times or rough moments. Everything God has called us to do, we should strive to do it faithfully, consistently, and excellently.

"Before Him":

We work for the Lord. Whether your minister as a wife or mother, or writer of a blog, or a children's worker, or even as an employee, we should do it heartily unto the Lord. (Col. 3:23-24) We don't do it for personal gain or just to check it off the list. We don't do it to make others happy or satisfy them. We serve to please the audience of One, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Favorite Apps

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 KJV

What are "Apps"?

"App" is short for "application". Applications are helpful programs on your Iphone that allow you to do different things. "There's an app for that" is an accurate statement. Yes, there are a whole bunch more that I use, but here are my nine favorite apps and why I love them! I even added links to the tutorials for those who are learning the app for the first time. ;)

Here is the link to the apple app store: link here. These apps should be free or have a lite version which is worth getting too.

For Womanhood:

Pinterest allows you to create/maintain pinboards that you can pin website links, blog links, photos, even locations onto. This is great for woman who want to be a better cook (recipe board), who want to take better pictures (photo board), or who want to be a better home decorator (home decor). There are many reasons why people use Pinterest! I love using it for new recipes, play activities for girls, date nights, gift ideas and SO MUCH more! 

Here is the link to my pinterest account: click here
A detailed tutorial to help you: link here.

Evernote is a sharing note and organizing notebooks app. It enables you to have notebooks with notes inside. My husband and I have a joint account that we use. I am able to upload notes for him, like grocery list or my ultimate wish list. He uses it for devotionals and for storing his teaching lessons. It allows us to stay connected and stay organized. We like this app! 

Their website has tutorials to help you: link here.

Snapseed is a great editing program for your photos. The main tools I use within the app are titled "Tune Image", "Details", "HDR Scape", and "Center Focus". Just those four allows me to turn photos from bland to something gorgeous!

Found this tutorial to help those new to snapseed: link here

This app, called Phonto, allows you to write on top of your photos. This is great for those who want to go a step further in enhancing those pictures that they love so much! It has a wide range of fonts to choose from and lots of variety on personalizing it! I love to put Bible verses on mine. :) 


Relax Melodies is amazing. It has over 96 different sounds that you can turn on, even combinations of sounds. I used this app to put my daughters to sleep with sounds like: "light rain", "brown noise", "night", "ocean", and even "piano". You can save your favorites and customize each sound. I even use this app for myself as a background noise. I love it!

"I hear Ewe" is a simple app for little kids. It has different animals and objects that you can click on. When you do, it tells you what it is and makes the sound. I use it when I need to temporarily distract my girls. I really like the simplicity of this app. 


 This app called Facebook is well-known. It is a social media app/page that allows you to create an account/page with your name and info. It allows you to stay connected with friends near and far. You can post updates (status), pictures (even albums), and life events. Suggestions:

1. Post only once a day.
2. Keep it simple and short.
3. Don't SHARE everything.
4. Realize your friends read what you post and what you like.
5. Pick the best photos. Post those only.
6. Read link.

 Instagram is a photo sharing app. You can set up a private account with a limited friend list and share photo with updates. I use this app for my family and close friends to show them pictures of the girls, our family life and special events. It is a great app to stay connected with those I love! 

One recommendation: use sparingly. This is not an album photo sharing. This is a once-maybe-twice-a-day photo sharing! :)

Helpful tutorial: link here.
Here is my public profile: link here.

Pandora is my favorite app! It allows me to have stations for listening to a variety of music genre. I have created stations that are mainly gospel, kid lullabies, christian kid songs, even just classic hymns or strings. I love this app! I use it all day long. It keeps me relaxed or motivates me to get something done!

Tutorials from their website: click here.

Thank you for reading about my favorite apps! If you have any that you recommended, comment below or on my post in Facebook!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Taking Pictures of Diapers

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Psalm 100:4 KJV

Endless Photo Stream:

We live in a society that takes pictures ALL the time! We love to take pictures of the world around us, nature and all its beauty, our family/friends, ourselves "selfies", our possession/treasures... and even food! We may even try and organize these photos onto our laptops. HA! I began to realize that taking pictures could be used for something more lasting and more rewarding!

Photo Albums:

My photos are organized first by year. 2008, 2009, 2010... etc. Secondly, I have a folder for events throughout each year. I also have a folder for each daughter, sometimes even by months. I have a generic folder for all Iphone photos as a initial "catch-all".

A Special Folder:

When I was pregnant with my first daughter (2011), I noticed that God kept using people around me to provide for our needs. They were physical and tangible items, like boxes of diapers, bags of baby girl clothes or my maternity wear. I wanted to remember each gift God gave us. "Count your blessings, name them one by one." 

Given to us from a church friend, unexpected and just what we needed.

Bags... And BAGS of baby girl clothes purchased by my parents.


So I created the "Blessings" album. It would be used to remember all the small and big gifts that God gave our family. It would be used to show my girls how MUCH God loved them before they were born and how He provided for their individual needs! This album was my stone altar that the Joshua and the tribes built after God divided the waters of the Jordan for them to cross over. (Joshua 5:5-18) The stones would be their memorial and reminder, just as these albums would be for my family. 

In the folder, I would put not only those "BIG" gifts but also little insignificant gifts. I would even put food/drink gifts!

Received in mail after my second girl was born.

Had a rough day and my husband bought these to encourage me.

The Result:

This has changed the way I see things given to my family. I thank the giver and appreciate their gift more. I see that God is the ultimate benefactor (James 1:17) and it makes me praise Him more. I trust Him to continue to be our great provider and caring Heavenly Father. I anticipate new "blessings" that I will add along the way. I pray harder and more specifically, knowing that He is listening and providing. I smile more and worry less. I am more grateful and more content with all I have. 

Find a way to capture "God's blessings" in a way to works for you! :)

Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, 
and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: 
they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: 
if I would declare and speak of them
they are more than can be numbered. 
Psalm 40:5