Sunday, October 20, 2013

Persecuted, the Church, and Love for the Missions

What do those three have in common?

(Where I came from)

My parents grew up under the rule the Russian Communism (USSR) in Ukraine. My mom's dad was a baptist pastor there. He and his family were persecuted for their faith in Christ and because they stood up for it, which was opposing to the country's approved religion. 

Through my childhood years, my mom and dad, instead of bedtime stories, would share stories of how the KGB would threaten them by raiding their house looking for those few Bibles and literature they possessed. My parents were laughed at by their teachers and classmates. When my mom was five, my grandpa spent 5 years in prison because he was a Christian.

Faith Missions:
(Why I give to missionaries and churches around the world)

My parents told me what kept them going through it all...... It was their faith in God, the answered prayers of relief or strength, and the churches in America. You see, faith missions helped my parents. 

Where do you think the literature and Bibles came from? Churches who love missionaries and who want the world to know about Jesus. Why did my grandpa go home from prison? The prayers and petitions of the churches. Why were my parents and extended family kept from being killed? Churches that fasted and pleading for them. 

(Why I love the dwelling place of the Lord)

I have wanted to be married to a godly man and be a stay-at-home mom since I was probably eleven. I wanted to raise my own kids. I wanted to mold them for Christ, like my mom did. I wanted to share the heritage of our faith and raise them to know Christ more closely then I do. God has blessed me with a godly man whose desire is to please God and serve Him to the best of his abilities. Beyond that, he has also been a fantastic husband and father to our girls! :D I can't even begin to share with you all that he does for us. I'm blessed.

I never expected to be mother to three beautiful daughters in three years! It was a huge surprise, but wow, God has been so good, He has entrusted me to raise children to know Him! I love my girls and am so thankful for them! But I've already given them back to God, they are His. I'm just a steward (a care-taker) of them. I'm thankful though that He has not left me to raise them alone. God has helped me daily be able to keep a clean and happy home for our family. He has enable to have time to read my Bible daily. He watches over them while they sleep and provides for their needs. I'm blessed.

Yet, why did I title this "Church"?

I love my family SO MUCH, but I love God more. God is my number one. He is my strength daily, He is my hope for the future, and He sacrificed His life and saved me. In the Bible, it says that He died for the church and give Himself for it. (Psalm 27:4, 65:4) Because I love the Lord, I desire to dwell in His house. I want my children to love God and have Him be their number one. I want my girls to serve in our church and find relief from the world and its sins. Church is a sanctuary and a comfort to saved sinners like me. It is a place where I feel close to my Saviour. God has done so much for me. He has blessed me beyond measure. I want to be where He is... I want to serve Him and thank Him for all He does for me! 

I give unto God, because He has given so much to me! :D It's worth it!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


One month and four days later... our little Esther is HOME. :D

This week flew by quickly. On Monday, my husband was able to stay home. We were able to relax (a little). I was able to see Esther... and that afternoon, we even brought our daughters to visit her too! What a very precious and special time that was for us!

That night we celebrated the birthdays of my other daughters. It was princess theme and it was beautiful! My mother-in-law, a fabulous decorator, themed each table to each princess and even had photos of the girls to match! :) My mother provided all the delicious food and my aunt made a beautiful princess doll cake! :) We are so thankful for the family and dear friends who were able to come and celebrate with us!

On Tuesday night, Andy's parents were able to come and hold Esther for the first time!Then on Wednesday, my mother came and held her for the first time!! :D

On Thursday, I discovered that Esther discharged date was moved from Monday to SATURDAY. It was right in the middle of our faith missions conference and the day before my parents' wedding anniversary. LOL :)

I was not even prepared at home for her! It was a bit nerve-wreaking on Thursday night.... I had no idea how I was going to get everything done.... but I realized God wanted her home that day... and I trusted Him to take care of my needs and help with the things I couldn't do alone.

One of my biggest answered prayers.... This morning, while I rested in the hospital with my sleeping beauty, Esther, and learned how to care for her... my sweet husband, mom and aunt did a major deep cleaning in our apartment!!! WOW... It was so incredibly cleaned... Everything sparkled. THANK YOU!

Our journey to get her home is now over... but now, I face another challenge.... BALANCING three baby girls under three. :D So keep me in your prayers.

Prayer Request:
* Sleeping arrangements
* Esther's growth and good health
* Rest and breaks
* Strength for me

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS, LOVE, AND GIFTS!!!!! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and appreciate everything you have done for us! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Almost....... Home!

Esther's Progress:

She now weighs 5 lbs, sleeps in crib, and nurses! The doctors and nurses are thrilled with how well she is doing and the progress she is making. Esther needs to be consistently taking a bottle and nursing while keeping her heart steady and gaining weight in order to go home. :)

They have mentioned that she could go home at the end of this week, but please pray that she'll go home next Tuesday. We have a conference this Wednesday through Saturday that is important to our family and can't miss it. I'd also like to "room-in" with her at the hospital overnight and next Monday is my best option to do so.

Rooming-in will allow me to have uninterrupted time and concentration on nursing Esther for a full day and night, plus give me extra support from nurses on how to best care for my preemie at home. :)

* Nurses and takes bottle
* Going twice each day to visit Esther
* Rooming-in next Sunday night through Tuesday
* Going home Tuesday, October 21st

Looking Ahead:

We are thrilled that Esther is coming home SOON! Please pray for me as I adjust to being a mom to three under "2".

* A working day schedule
* Sleeping arrangements
* Adjust for other daughters to baby Esther
* Maintaining house/meals for all :D

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Answered Prayers


YAHOO! Esther is now regulating her body temperature  She is wearing her own clothes and will be moved into a crib-style bed!! :D Many times while visiting her, she has been very alert and eager to nurse. The case worker informed me that I need to come more often, so I will be visiting her now twice a day!! :) Morning and evenings. Please continue to pray that it will all work out with babysitting and schedules. :)

Pray for Esther:
* Continue to grow, nurse, and regulate her body temp.
* Continued protection of her good health.


Please continue to pray for our family. My other daughters have both been sick and cranky. Pray that they will get better soon! Andy and I are doing well, but please continue to pray that we don't get sick and will continue to take care of ourselves and stay healthy! :)

Thank you for the prayers for sleep! Saturday and Sunday night, we were able to get plenty of rest. It was so wonderful! We are grateful... so grateful for this answered prayer!! Please continue to pray we get the rest we need each night.


Today we received more gift cards, money and preemie clothing for baby Esther. Thank you everyone who gave!! The food gift cards are perfect... since we are in between the hospital and home. The money has been used to keep Momma and Daddy healthy via hospital snacks, meals, gas, and more! Thank you for the cute preemie outfits, we are so excited to finally use them! :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Praises & Prayers


Esther is now 4 lbs 5 oz!! She has been steadily growing and continues to get stronger every day. Her temperature level inside the incubator is 30 degrees C and needs to drop down to room temperature which is 26 degrees C. She is still on a slower feeding time and needs to get down to "gravity" feedings.

On Wednesday, the lactation worker came by and helped me better understand how to nurse a preemie. Preemies have a hard time doing anything and use up lots of energy with every move and/or discomfort. She has nursed twice (Wed. and Thur.) but tonight was really tired. Pray for her to be more alert during visits. Pray for strength for feeding.


* Continue to grow, nurse, and regulate her body temp.
* Protection of good health.

* Continue to visit Esther daily and even twice coming up soon.

* Our daughters have been sick and restless and cranky. Pray for healing.
* Pray Andy and I don't get sick and have strength each day.
* Pray for us to be a godly testimony and witness to others.
* Please pray for sleep and rest each night.


God has been so good to us. We are excited to see all the ways that Esther is growing. We are thankful for all the gifts, help, and prayers that we have received. We love sharing with others all that God has done. We hope that each of you will grow in your faith as you continue read our story. :D