Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sick Days

Sick Days:

Sorry, everyone, I wanted to do a blog post before Christmas. But from Wednesday, the 19th, I've been taking care of sick little babies. First it was Kenni for a few days and Alena caught up to her.... and sadly now, Esther is my sick one. :( So it's been a rough Christmas season for me.

I did take Esther into the doctor. He says she just has a cold. (Thank you, Lord.) But she's still coughing and congested. Please pray for her.

Alena and Kenni are getting better. Pray they'll heal complete.

Please pray that Andy and I stay HEALTHY. :)


Andy has been a big help around the house. He has be filling in the gap when things get overwhelming and making sure to help maintain the household chores, especially over the weekends. It has been a huge blessing.

We are learning how to be a romantic couple while having the partnership of being parents. :) Sometimes we focus more on getting things done and taking care of the little ones... then just being affectionate with each other and having date nights. That's what we need prayers for. :)

Btw, he loved his Christmas present. I got him a Seahawks hat personalized with his name. :D

New Year:

Do you have any goals for the new year?? I do! 

Goals are important. They give you something to aim at and help you stay on track. They inspire you to do more with your life. 

Set a goal. Don't give up. Keep trying. :)

Here are a few of mine:
#1 Continue to read my Bible daily
#2 Continue to blog weekly
#3 Read all the books on my bookshelf
#4 Try new recipes in my cookbooks

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Our Little Girls


Guess what everyone?! Little Esther is now 3 months old! It's amazing how quickly she has grown. Her starting weight was 4 lbs and now she is 9.5 lbs! She is doing so well. She's healthy, growing, and eating well. :D I just took her Christmas/3 mo. photos.


Poor little girl has been sick this week. She started feeling ill on Tuesday... and still not well today. Please pray for our little girl. She has also been having trouble sleeping all week long, too (which meant Andy and I haven't had much sleep...) and last night we all finally slept through the night. Pray she's get well soon. :(


I gave this little girl her first haircut! Yahoo! I know, I'm a little daring... but it's fun to try something new and to challenge myself. I love the way it turned out. I know it will save us money, too. ;)

Btw, she also has been ill. So please pray for our girls to get well. THANKS!


I'm so thrilled that my brother is finally home from COLLEGE!!! He got to see and hold Esther for the first time. Precious moment. <3 And of course he was so happy to see Alena and Kenni! 


Thanks for your prayers for me to be a brave witness for Jesus and pass out tracts. I had several opportunities and took advantage of them. YEAH! 

Thanks for your prayers for Andy's gift. FOUND the perfect one! SO EXCITED! :)


Please pray for our daughters to get well. Pray Esther, Andy, and I will stay healthy. :)

Pray for our families to celebrate Jesus' birth in a way that will honor and magnify Him. :D Focused on Him.

Pray that this coming week will be peaceful inwardly and exciting outwardly... and just a wonderful week!

**I need rest... and strength... and your prayers. They make a difference.**

Thank You!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Be a Successful Friend


Psalm 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times."

Some say "I'm shy and can't make friends." Others say "I'll get hurt."

Guess what? People assume that since I'm a friendly person.... I'm a good friend. But... it not true. I've been a poor friend for many years, but I've learn how to be a good friend.

Be a Successful Friend:

(Don't expect people to be friends with you. It's depended upon you. You must FIRST be a friend to others.)

Proverbs 18:24 "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

#1 Be Positive/Have a Good Attitude

Smile. Encourage others. Realize you'll make mistakes and let it go. Forgive others and yourself.

#2 Listen

Put them first in the conversation. Ask questions. Concentrate on what they are saying. Just listen.

#3 Prayer

Even if you aren't close or maybe you are distant, prayer will keep them in your thoughts and will inspire you to be a better friend. Pray for their needs. Pray for their problems. Pray for your friendship. Pray for them to just have a good day. Pray.

#4 Keep trying. Don't stop. Don't let go.

Let's say you fail some friends. Pray for them. Wait on the Lord. 

Let's say you aren't close to anyone and are shy. Try. Smile. Talk to people.

Let's say you got hurt. Guess what? We all get hurt. But that's okay. We give that friendship to God and the pain. We can make new friends. :)

So go be a friend to someone. :D


God has been so good to us. I have never been so dependent on my Bible reading and prayer with my Saviour, but I've also never felt so much peace and joy as I have now. I don't stress. I don't worry. My family is kinda shocked at it. :D Thanks for the prayers for my inner being and my spirit. It stands out.


Better Witness: My church has tracts that we can pass out during this season. Pray I will be bolder and braver. Pray for those who get one. Pray they'll read it and their hearts will be open to the message.

Shopping: Halfway done. :D YAHOO. Please pray that I'll get the right gifts for Andy. I want to be a blessing to him.

Girls: Continue to pray for them as I raise them for the Lord.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013



the quality of being patientas the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

I'm working on it. With three little girls, there are moments when I need to stop and just...... breathe

Times when I need to just be patient... 

Patient, while Alena tries to go potty... and takes forever (a long time)...
Patient, while the girls try to fall asleep for a nap.... 
Patient, while teaching them how to eat without making major messes...
Patient, while caring for Alena and Kenni... and Esther's hungry...
Patient, while checking the window to see if Andy's coming home...

Patient and calm, while they are all cranky and wanting to be held... at the same time. 

Yes, it can be challenging to be patient... to wait and be calm. But I'm know I have a God who cares about me and my problems (1 Peter 5:7). He cares about my family. I rely on Him to help me through each moment. I rest in His promises. 

I pray through those moments. "Lord, help the girls to sleep." "Lord, give me ideas for training them to eat right."

I repeat often throughout the day... "Trust in the Lord... Trust in the Lord... Lord, I'm trusting you... I'm rely on your help..." (Pro. 3:5) 

I'm happy that God has been teaching me patience, because I am more patient now with myself (my faults and failures), with my husband, and with my friends. :D


Andy & I had a fabulous anniversary! We spent most of the day without Alena and Kenni. (Thanks in-laws!!) So we relaxed... by taking some wonderful pictures of Seattle and going clothes shopping... then later we went to an amazing restaurant Maggiano's for dinner! (They have a great deal for two!) It was a really good day for us. 


Alena: More food varieties and still potty training
Kenni: Learn to speak more words
Esther: Continue to grow and have a flexible, workable nursing schedule

Me: Patience. That I'll have more.

Andy: Continue to grow spiritually and expand his talents (musician, graphic designer, photographer...)

Christmas Shopping: Pray we'll get all the shopping done. :D

James: My brother is coming in from college Saturday and staying til mid-January. Pray he'll have safe travels and a great Christmas vacation at home. :D

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Celebrating Life

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12


I'm so thankful that I'm alive and healthy. I'm so glad that my family is all alive and healthy

Sometimes we tend to forget the good things we do have. We have shelter over us. We have food in abundance. We have clothes on our back. It's good to just be thankful.

Several families I know are dealing with heartache and sorrow at the passing of a loved one. Others are hurting because of sickness, cancer, and illness. 

This Christmas... take a moment and hug those close to you. Cherish each memory. Appreciate all you have. 

Smile more. :)


Alena is doing well at potty training and is trying new foods.
Kenni is learning new words. Yeah!
Esther is growing fast!


Our anniversary is tomorrow. :) Four wonderful years of marriage. Pray that it will be awesome and memorable. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Heart of Gratitude:

"Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done."

Take a moment and right down the TOP five things you are thankful for.

#1 God's Salvation: 
I'm thankful that Christ died for me and offered me his gift of salvation from my sins. Now that I'm saved, I've got a home in Heaven! :D

#2 My parents & siblings: 
I have the best family. I'm so grateful for EVERYTHING they have done for me. Words simply cannot express all the gratitude I have for my parents and for my siblings! I love you all BUNCHES!

#3 My husband: 
He is my rock. He is my best friend. His love for me strengthens me and encourages me to continue. I love you, Drew! always & forever

#4 My daughters: 
God has blessed me with three beautiful daughters. I cherish them and love them. I'm so thankful for the joy of being their mom. <3

#5 My friends: 
Thank you... for being you. For loving me. For caring for me. For praying for me. For lifting me up and encouraging me. :D YOU are awesome!


From last Thursday til today, it has been a challenge. I had lots of emotional ups and downs. 

I'm thankful that on Monday, my mother-in-law babysat the girls so I could get an afternoon of "wandering". I drove along the coast, listened to Christmas carols, and simply relaxed. It was wonderful. I was also able to get some beautiful pictures of the ocean. 

Tomorrow until Sunday, my husband is off. We are having a busy schedule. Pray that everything goes smoothly. :)

Tomorrow we are visiting my sister-in-law who lives two hours away. Pray for safety and easy traveling for the entire Lee clan. THANKS!

Saturday, we plan to get the Christmas tree and decorate our little home. So excited! (I love Christmas!!)


Thank you for your prayers for Alena and the potty training! She has been doing so well with it!!!! :D

With your prayers, God has given me a better understanding on how to get Alena to eat more varieties of food! It has been awesome to watch her progress.

Esther is growing and looking super adorable. :D


Please pray for Kenni who is now teething and cranky (at night).

Pray for our busy weekend. For safe travels and wonderful adventures. :D Pray for smooth transitions and fun times! :) And that we get LOTS of awesome pictures.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Growing and Learning


I can't believe today is Esther's due date. It's funny because my other daughters both were born right around theirs.... and yet, little Esty came TWO months earlier. And yet, I am thrilled that she did!

Esther is now two months old and is doing well. She fits into her newborn clothes. She sleeps well and nursing often.

Alena & Kenni:

Alena is potty training. She has gone a couple times on her "Elmo" chair and even on the big potty. Next step is to tell me when she needs to go. :) 

Alena is a quick learner. She has been study her books and is learning new words all the time! She loves to help, is polite and obedient. 

Kenni is also growing and getting chunky. She has learned how to say please and "all done". She is helping to pick up her toys and throw trash away. :D

The girls have been playing outside everyday. I know fresh air is good and I'm excited that they get some everyday! :)


I finished that HUGE stack of laundry Friday night!! Yahoo. Feels good to be back to a load of laundry a day. :)

Yesterday, my husband got some much needed rest! He has been sick for the past week and really needed to sleep and rest. :) Then later, we went out for dinner and God provided us with some extra money for a delicious meal too!!! :) :) :)

God has been providing for all our needs and even above it! We are so thankful for all the gifts that He has given us. How blessed we are!!


I really need to continue to have a daily time in God's Word, the Bible. Pray that I will have that time. :)

Pray that we'll get all the side projects done by the end of the year. (We have a photography, videography, and graphics designing company called BlueCamStudios.)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Raising Godly Daughters

Looking Ahead:

I am thankful that God gave Andy and I three beautiful daughters to raise, but I also know I am responsible and am a steward with caring for them and raising them to be godly women for Him. I realized that the choices I make today will affect them and shape them.

Here are FIVE top goals (prayers) I have for my daughters:

* Personal relationship with Christ (at a young age)

* To be active daily Bible readers and prayer warriors

* To become godly women, wives, and mothers

* Serve faithfully in their church

* Close relationship with each other (siblings and lifelong friends)

* Active soul-winners for Christ

These things I have commited to do myself. (Phil. 3:17)  I have seen that each of these goals has made a difference in my life. I have peace. (Psalm 119:165) I have strength. (Psalm 27:1) I have courage. (2 Tim. 1:7)

What are your top goals for your children? :D Are you applying them to yourself and the life you are living?

Want this?

You too can have these things. You too can see God do wonderful works in your life.

First though, you need to realize you are a sinner and you have made mistakes. Second, you need to see that Jesus saved you by dying on the cross and now, is alive in Heaven. Third, you need to accept Him into your heart and receive Him as your Saviour. I did that. It was the best thing I ever did! I have freedom from my sin and I have a home in Heaven. :D


Guess what? I am almost done with that huge pile of laundry. Please keep praying it will get done.


Alena is learning to potty-train. Pray for wisdom and discernment. I know it takes time and I'm patient.

Alena is also a picky eater. Pray that I can help her to expand her taste buds. :D

Continue to pray for Andy and I to connect and have a strengthened relationship.

Pray for Andy. He is a good man and gives of himself so much. Pray that God will continue to bless him at work and through his abilities.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



This will be my third year of being a stay-at-home mom. I still have a hard time believing that I have three children, too. This post is kinda a "thank you" to any mother who is trying to raise her kids and maintain her household!

I never truly realized all the "hats" that a mother wears until just recently.

You have the basics: a cook, a housemaid, a taxi driver, a babysitter. Even with just these, a mother is very busy every single hour of everyday.

But she's also a planner. Every meal is planned in advance, groceries and food are calculated and numbered. She knows everything she has in her freezer, frig, and pantries. She comes up with delicious meals for her family. Every day.

She washes every dish. She does laundry every single day. She vacuums and dust. She keeps her house clean.

That's just the basics.

She's a teacher to her children. Every day, she trains them to care for themselves. Teaching them to pick up their toys. Helping them to play well with others. Sharing with them new words and phrases. Even good manners. :D

She changes diapers, gives them baths, takes them to a park, plays with them... and laughs with them. 

She prays for them daily. She loves them.

I know there are SO MANY mores hats... but these are a few that stick out.

I also realized that a mother doesn't get time off. She's a mother always.

So to every mother out there: 

Thank you for doing all that you do and have done for your children. You are making a difference in their life and are doing your best to raise them to be great and godly adults! :D 

To those who still are raising them, don't give up! Take a break, relax, and get back to being the best mom you can be for your kids!


Thank you for your prayers! 

Alena's body is healing and she is doing well. Esther and Kenni are doing well too.

God also gave me lots of rest this weekend. Apparently I really needed it. So thanks!

Yesterday, Andy and I went out for dinner on a date. He had no idea that I asked you all to pray for that... and suggested we go out. See, God does hear your prayers. Don't stop praying for others and for us. :D


This week, I have LOTS of laundry to do. Pray that it will get done. :D

Pray that our camera will be repair. We use it for our side-business for family photography.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Originally I had used my blog to keep family and friends informed of Esther's progress and getting her home. But yesterday, I was told that I had a large following here on my blog. So...... I shall continue to blog. :D


First off, THANK YOU! Your prayers have been making a difference. I wish you could see how much it has helped my family and me. It has been a great transition for everyone. 

*I have never seen my house so clean... and remain so every day! It's kinda weird, but I know it's because someone prays for me.*


Esther is doing really well. She is gaining weight steadily and is almost out of her preemie clothes! Wow. She is nursing well. Pray I'll continue to keep a steady schedule. She sleeps well and doesn't bother her sisters at night.

Alena and Kenni LOVE their little sister. Alena holds her all the time and is super gentle with her. Kenni lights up every time she sees baby Esther and wants to play with her!


My sister lives in Texas with her husband and works as a teacher in their church. They are newly wed (aaww)... which made me wonder when I would see them next.... They surprised me LATE last night and showed up on our doorstep!!! She got her first picture with baby Esther. Today we spent the afternoon... Lidiya, Jared, the girls, and I at the park by our place. I'm just so THRILLED that they are here. :D


Alena has not been feeling well. She has a rash on her body that is going away, but we think she might be getting her 2nd year molars. PLEASE pray for sleep and rest for all of us. Pray for complete healing for Alena and that her molars will come through with LESS pain and quickly. :)

Bible Reading:
This is my second year of reading through my Bible! I completed it for the first time last year and am excited to be on track to complete it again this year! (I have been saved since I was seven and this has been a great desire of my heart...) Please pray that I will get time everyday to read. I normally do it during the girls nap times at 2 o'clock.

Having three under 2 makes quality time with hubby to be difficult. Please pray that we will develop a routine on staying close even with little ones around us. Please pray that we'll get date nights. (FYI: Our anniversary is December 5th.)

Your prayers do make a difference in our family and my life. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for them! I will keep you informed and give updates on a weekly (even twice a week) basis. Again, THANKS!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Persecuted, the Church, and Love for the Missions

What do those three have in common?

(Where I came from)

My parents grew up under the rule the Russian Communism (USSR) in Ukraine. My mom's dad was a baptist pastor there. He and his family were persecuted for their faith in Christ and because they stood up for it, which was opposing to the country's approved religion. 

Through my childhood years, my mom and dad, instead of bedtime stories, would share stories of how the KGB would threaten them by raiding their house looking for those few Bibles and literature they possessed. My parents were laughed at by their teachers and classmates. When my mom was five, my grandpa spent 5 years in prison because he was a Christian.

Faith Missions:
(Why I give to missionaries and churches around the world)

My parents told me what kept them going through it all...... It was their faith in God, the answered prayers of relief or strength, and the churches in America. You see, faith missions helped my parents. 

Where do you think the literature and Bibles came from? Churches who love missionaries and who want the world to know about Jesus. Why did my grandpa go home from prison? The prayers and petitions of the churches. Why were my parents and extended family kept from being killed? Churches that fasted and pleading for them. 

(Why I love the dwelling place of the Lord)

I have wanted to be married to a godly man and be a stay-at-home mom since I was probably eleven. I wanted to raise my own kids. I wanted to mold them for Christ, like my mom did. I wanted to share the heritage of our faith and raise them to know Christ more closely then I do. God has blessed me with a godly man whose desire is to please God and serve Him to the best of his abilities. Beyond that, he has also been a fantastic husband and father to our girls! :D I can't even begin to share with you all that he does for us. I'm blessed.

I never expected to be mother to three beautiful daughters in three years! It was a huge surprise, but wow, God has been so good, He has entrusted me to raise children to know Him! I love my girls and am so thankful for them! But I've already given them back to God, they are His. I'm just a steward (a care-taker) of them. I'm thankful though that He has not left me to raise them alone. God has helped me daily be able to keep a clean and happy home for our family. He has enable to have time to read my Bible daily. He watches over them while they sleep and provides for their needs. I'm blessed.

Yet, why did I title this "Church"?

I love my family SO MUCH, but I love God more. God is my number one. He is my strength daily, He is my hope for the future, and He sacrificed His life and saved me. In the Bible, it says that He died for the church and give Himself for it. (Psalm 27:4, 65:4) Because I love the Lord, I desire to dwell in His house. I want my children to love God and have Him be their number one. I want my girls to serve in our church and find relief from the world and its sins. Church is a sanctuary and a comfort to saved sinners like me. It is a place where I feel close to my Saviour. God has done so much for me. He has blessed me beyond measure. I want to be where He is... I want to serve Him and thank Him for all He does for me! 

I give unto God, because He has given so much to me! :D It's worth it!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


One month and four days later... our little Esther is HOME. :D

This week flew by quickly. On Monday, my husband was able to stay home. We were able to relax (a little). I was able to see Esther... and that afternoon, we even brought our daughters to visit her too! What a very precious and special time that was for us!

That night we celebrated the birthdays of my other daughters. It was princess theme and it was beautiful! My mother-in-law, a fabulous decorator, themed each table to each princess and even had photos of the girls to match! :) My mother provided all the delicious food and my aunt made a beautiful princess doll cake! :) We are so thankful for the family and dear friends who were able to come and celebrate with us!

On Tuesday night, Andy's parents were able to come and hold Esther for the first time!Then on Wednesday, my mother came and held her for the first time!! :D

On Thursday, I discovered that Esther discharged date was moved from Monday to SATURDAY. It was right in the middle of our faith missions conference and the day before my parents' wedding anniversary. LOL :)

I was not even prepared at home for her! It was a bit nerve-wreaking on Thursday night.... I had no idea how I was going to get everything done.... but I realized God wanted her home that day... and I trusted Him to take care of my needs and help with the things I couldn't do alone.

One of my biggest answered prayers.... This morning, while I rested in the hospital with my sleeping beauty, Esther, and learned how to care for her... my sweet husband, mom and aunt did a major deep cleaning in our apartment!!! WOW... It was so incredibly cleaned... Everything sparkled. THANK YOU!

Our journey to get her home is now over... but now, I face another challenge.... BALANCING three baby girls under three. :D So keep me in your prayers.

Prayer Request:
* Sleeping arrangements
* Esther's growth and good health
* Rest and breaks
* Strength for me

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS, LOVE, AND GIFTS!!!!! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and appreciate everything you have done for us! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Almost....... Home!

Esther's Progress:

She now weighs 5 lbs, sleeps in crib, and nurses! The doctors and nurses are thrilled with how well she is doing and the progress she is making. Esther needs to be consistently taking a bottle and nursing while keeping her heart steady and gaining weight in order to go home. :)

They have mentioned that she could go home at the end of this week, but please pray that she'll go home next Tuesday. We have a conference this Wednesday through Saturday that is important to our family and can't miss it. I'd also like to "room-in" with her at the hospital overnight and next Monday is my best option to do so.

Rooming-in will allow me to have uninterrupted time and concentration on nursing Esther for a full day and night, plus give me extra support from nurses on how to best care for my preemie at home. :)

* Nurses and takes bottle
* Going twice each day to visit Esther
* Rooming-in next Sunday night through Tuesday
* Going home Tuesday, October 21st

Looking Ahead:

We are thrilled that Esther is coming home SOON! Please pray for me as I adjust to being a mom to three under "2".

* A working day schedule
* Sleeping arrangements
* Adjust for other daughters to baby Esther
* Maintaining house/meals for all :D

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Answered Prayers


YAHOO! Esther is now regulating her body temperature  She is wearing her own clothes and will be moved into a crib-style bed!! :D Many times while visiting her, she has been very alert and eager to nurse. The case worker informed me that I need to come more often, so I will be visiting her now twice a day!! :) Morning and evenings. Please continue to pray that it will all work out with babysitting and schedules. :)

Pray for Esther:
* Continue to grow, nurse, and regulate her body temp.
* Continued protection of her good health.


Please continue to pray for our family. My other daughters have both been sick and cranky. Pray that they will get better soon! Andy and I are doing well, but please continue to pray that we don't get sick and will continue to take care of ourselves and stay healthy! :)

Thank you for the prayers for sleep! Saturday and Sunday night, we were able to get plenty of rest. It was so wonderful! We are grateful... so grateful for this answered prayer!! Please continue to pray we get the rest we need each night.


Today we received more gift cards, money and preemie clothing for baby Esther. Thank you everyone who gave!! The food gift cards are perfect... since we are in between the hospital and home. The money has been used to keep Momma and Daddy healthy via hospital snacks, meals, gas, and more! Thank you for the cute preemie outfits, we are so excited to finally use them! :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Praises & Prayers


Esther is now 4 lbs 5 oz!! She has been steadily growing and continues to get stronger every day. Her temperature level inside the incubator is 30 degrees C and needs to drop down to room temperature which is 26 degrees C. She is still on a slower feeding time and needs to get down to "gravity" feedings.

On Wednesday, the lactation worker came by and helped me better understand how to nurse a preemie. Preemies have a hard time doing anything and use up lots of energy with every move and/or discomfort. She has nursed twice (Wed. and Thur.) but tonight was really tired. Pray for her to be more alert during visits. Pray for strength for feeding.


* Continue to grow, nurse, and regulate her body temp.
* Protection of good health.

* Continue to visit Esther daily and even twice coming up soon.

* Our daughters have been sick and restless and cranky. Pray for healing.
* Pray Andy and I don't get sick and have strength each day.
* Pray for us to be a godly testimony and witness to others.
* Please pray for sleep and rest each night.


God has been so good to us. We are excited to see all the ways that Esther is growing. We are thankful for all the gifts, help, and prayers that we have received. We love sharing with others all that God has done. We hope that each of you will grow in your faith as you continue read our story. :D

Monday, September 30, 2013

Why was Esther Born so Early?

I can't believe it has been two weeks since our little Esther was born! Wow! Happy birthday, little beauty. :)


As I reflect on her birth, I see how God orchestrated everything perfectly. From the time I got pregnant until the weeks leading up to her birth, we knew that this baby was special. My pregnancy was different from the other two. We had even scheduled for a second ultrasound to discover what it might be. Esther came during my 30th week of pregnancy. At birth, we discovered that the placenta was beginning to abrupt, I realized that God had protected her and she came right on time. Praise God!

To read the whole birth story, click here.


We are so thankful that God has allowed us to use our story to be testimony of His love, His care, and His provision for our family. We love sharing the miracle of her birth and the peace we have.... what a treat it has been for us! :) We pray that we will continue to be a good witness to the doctors, nurses, other families of ICN babies, and anyone else in the hospital (that will listen). Pray that our light will shine brightly to those around us! :D

Time with Esty:

Another blessing with Esther's early birth is that everyday I get a break from my busy life to relax and cuddle with my cutiepie. I get rest. I get a break. Everyday. :) God knows just what we need and when we need it. Isn't God good?!

The nurse capture some great shots of myself and baby Esther today.  It felt good to hold her in my arms and give her kisses. I just love this little girl!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Progress & Patience


We've had a few challenging days... You know, the days when nothing goes according to plan and sleepless nights when children are restless and simply can't sleep. 

But God is good. I've been reading through Psalms, oh, what a comfort it has been! If you're hurting or going through trials, I highly recommending reading that book. It will help you. You don't have to go through it alone. God can and will help you!

I'm thankful for a God who answers little prayers. "Lord, please help them fall asleep." "Give me a little break." "Give me strength to continue." He hears me and helps me. PRAISE the LORD!


Little Esther has grown up to her birth weight! YEAH! She is now 4 lbs! She has been eating all her food and not leaving any behind. We have been giving her "Kangaroo Care" every day since she was born. Very important for her to bond with us, especially me... the nursing mom. She's growing, she's eating, and staying healthy. :)


October is going to be a challenging month for us. Alena, our firstborn daughter, will be turning TWO and Kenni, our second daughter, will be turning ONE! :D We also have our one of our favorite church conferences (4 days long) in between the birthdays.

Please pray for:

* Daily visits to see Esther
* Enough rest and strength
* A smooth schedule for October
* Comfort and patience
* Andy and Yuliya
* Our daughters


* Learn to nurse
* Regulate body temperature
* Gain weight consistently


I discovered that Esther's hospital stay will probably be another month... I guess that realization is a bit difficult to take in. Each day, it gets harder to leave... leave the girls with a babysitter... leave Esther at the hospital. Prayers Appreciated.

Again, thank you everyone, for your prayers, love, and support through this time. It means the world to my family and to me. :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

No News.... is Good News

"For thou hast possessed my reins: 
thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: 
marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 
My substance was not hid from thee, 
when I was made in secret, 
and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; 
and in thy book all my members were written, 
which in continuance were fashioned, 
when as yet there was none of them. 
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! 
how great is the sum of them! 
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: 
when I awake, I am still with thee." 
Psalm 139:13-18

Baby Esther is doing really well. Thank you for your continued prayers! :D

Tuesday, September 24, 2013



We are thrilled to announce that baby Esther is OUT of the NICU and has been moved this afternoon into the ICN!! She is doing well and we know your prayers are making the difference. Thank you!

She weighs 3 lbs 10 oz. Her weight has been fluctuating. She eats most of her food and is up to an 1 oz per feeding. They slowed the feeding down to 90 minutes, which will help her to digest it. Her feeding tube has been moved into the nose which will help with nursing.

She no longer has an IV. She still in the incubator so prayers for her body to regulate the temperature.

The doctor came by yesterday and said she was doing really well and is really healthy. :D Isn't God good?!

She has a routine ultrasound schedule for the brain on the 30th. (It is done for all preemies.)


We are SO thankful for all the preemie clothes that we've received from our friends and family! It was a need....... now fulfilled! We now have 25 outfits! YEAH!!! :D

We also got a baby carrier. I'm thrilled!! It looks comfy and I know it will come in handy... having two active girls and a preemie in one household. ;) Esther (and mom) will love it!

I have been able to visit Esther everyday since she was born. Praise The Lord!

Monday, September 23, 2013

One Week Old

Happy birthday, sweet Esther!

I can't believe that it has been a week since our little preemie was born. It was a day of surprise and praise for God's perfect timing. Throughout the week, we have seen how God had already planned ahead and taken care of the little and big things surrounding this precious little child's birth and the steps leading her to being home with us. :D It makes me excited and in anticipation for what the future holds!

Today, I was able to get several updates on Esther. 

She weighs 3 lbs 12 oz, almost up to her birth weight of 4 lbs. :D YEAH! She continues to breathe well on her own. She will have her IV tubes removed by tomorrow. YEAH! She is close to regulating her body temperature (gaining weight will help) and will be moved into a crib-style bed... which means we can bring her preemie clothes to wear. YEAH! She isn't digesting her food as quickly as needed, so they have slowed down the feeding. The nurse said that starting tomorrow she will have 1 oz of food per meal! YEAH! She might need to go back under the photo therapy for jaundice. 

Prayer Requests:

  • To gain weight and be able to regulate her temp.
  • To practice sucking and have a desire to nurse.
  • Continue to grow and be strengthened.
  • Continue to visit Esther every day. BIG prayer.
  • Patiently wait on the Lord each day.
  • Spend time with husband and with Alena & Kenni.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Continue to trust God with finances.
  • Not to feel overwhelmed by work and family.
  • Reward his hardwork and his love for his family and God.
My other girls:
  • Get time with both of us and feel our love toward them.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Important Visitors

Update on Esther: 

Esther is doing really well. She is breathing on her own and doesn't even have the cannula in now! Yahoo! A step closer to home. :)

We thought she might have been moved to another room (ICN) last night, but we discovered it is not critical for discharge, so she hasn't been moved. The nurse informed me that she could be discharged from any room when she's ready.

They will be moving her feeding tube into the nose soon, so she can learn to nurse. Pray that she will be cooperative and the transition will be easy for us.

Kangaroo Care: 

Last night, Andy was able to do the Kangaroo care! He was so excited and enjoyed every minute. It brought such joy to my heart to see that precious moment! :)


Yesterday, Andy's mom was able to see her granddaughter for the first time. She hadn't been feeling well and wanted to be extra healthy for the little one. We were thrilled that both grandma and grandpa got to see Esther! Grandpa got a photo of her smile. :) Uncle Valeriy also joined us and took cute pictures of her toes. So precious.

Today we went again at two with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris! They traveled two hours to come visit baby Esty and each moment with her was treasured. :) Valeriy came back again today... He just can't stay away. I'm glad. ;)

My mom hadn't seen me or Esther since Sunday... She came and we spent the afternoon together while I did the Kangaroo Care. It was a wonderful visit and I can't wait to do it again. ;)


Our family is overwhelmed by all the blessings that God has given us and all the ways He has provided. Both my husband and I are at peace with her "coming early" and having three girls under three... Why? Because we serve an amazing God, we love Him and try to please Him with everything we say and do.... And He takes care of us. Amen.