Monday, September 30, 2013

Why was Esther Born so Early?

I can't believe it has been two weeks since our little Esther was born! Wow! Happy birthday, little beauty. :)


As I reflect on her birth, I see how God orchestrated everything perfectly. From the time I got pregnant until the weeks leading up to her birth, we knew that this baby was special. My pregnancy was different from the other two. We had even scheduled for a second ultrasound to discover what it might be. Esther came during my 30th week of pregnancy. At birth, we discovered that the placenta was beginning to abrupt, I realized that God had protected her and she came right on time. Praise God!

To read the whole birth story, click here.


We are so thankful that God has allowed us to use our story to be testimony of His love, His care, and His provision for our family. We love sharing the miracle of her birth and the peace we have.... what a treat it has been for us! :) We pray that we will continue to be a good witness to the doctors, nurses, other families of ICN babies, and anyone else in the hospital (that will listen). Pray that our light will shine brightly to those around us! :D

Time with Esty:

Another blessing with Esther's early birth is that everyday I get a break from my busy life to relax and cuddle with my cutiepie. I get rest. I get a break. Everyday. :) God knows just what we need and when we need it. Isn't God good?!

The nurse capture some great shots of myself and baby Esther today.  It felt good to hold her in my arms and give her kisses. I just love this little girl!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Progress & Patience


We've had a few challenging days... You know, the days when nothing goes according to plan and sleepless nights when children are restless and simply can't sleep. 

But God is good. I've been reading through Psalms, oh, what a comfort it has been! If you're hurting or going through trials, I highly recommending reading that book. It will help you. You don't have to go through it alone. God can and will help you!

I'm thankful for a God who answers little prayers. "Lord, please help them fall asleep." "Give me a little break." "Give me strength to continue." He hears me and helps me. PRAISE the LORD!


Little Esther has grown up to her birth weight! YEAH! She is now 4 lbs! She has been eating all her food and not leaving any behind. We have been giving her "Kangaroo Care" every day since she was born. Very important for her to bond with us, especially me... the nursing mom. She's growing, she's eating, and staying healthy. :)


October is going to be a challenging month for us. Alena, our firstborn daughter, will be turning TWO and Kenni, our second daughter, will be turning ONE! :D We also have our one of our favorite church conferences (4 days long) in between the birthdays.

Please pray for:

* Daily visits to see Esther
* Enough rest and strength
* A smooth schedule for October
* Comfort and patience
* Andy and Yuliya
* Our daughters


* Learn to nurse
* Regulate body temperature
* Gain weight consistently


I discovered that Esther's hospital stay will probably be another month... I guess that realization is a bit difficult to take in. Each day, it gets harder to leave... leave the girls with a babysitter... leave Esther at the hospital. Prayers Appreciated.

Again, thank you everyone, for your prayers, love, and support through this time. It means the world to my family and to me. :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

No News.... is Good News

"For thou hast possessed my reins: 
thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: 
marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 
My substance was not hid from thee, 
when I was made in secret, 
and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; 
and in thy book all my members were written, 
which in continuance were fashioned, 
when as yet there was none of them. 
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! 
how great is the sum of them! 
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: 
when I awake, I am still with thee." 
Psalm 139:13-18

Baby Esther is doing really well. Thank you for your continued prayers! :D

Tuesday, September 24, 2013



We are thrilled to announce that baby Esther is OUT of the NICU and has been moved this afternoon into the ICN!! She is doing well and we know your prayers are making the difference. Thank you!

She weighs 3 lbs 10 oz. Her weight has been fluctuating. She eats most of her food and is up to an 1 oz per feeding. They slowed the feeding down to 90 minutes, which will help her to digest it. Her feeding tube has been moved into the nose which will help with nursing.

She no longer has an IV. She still in the incubator so prayers for her body to regulate the temperature.

The doctor came by yesterday and said she was doing really well and is really healthy. :D Isn't God good?!

She has a routine ultrasound schedule for the brain on the 30th. (It is done for all preemies.)


We are SO thankful for all the preemie clothes that we've received from our friends and family! It was a need....... now fulfilled! We now have 25 outfits! YEAH!!! :D

We also got a baby carrier. I'm thrilled!! It looks comfy and I know it will come in handy... having two active girls and a preemie in one household. ;) Esther (and mom) will love it!

I have been able to visit Esther everyday since she was born. Praise The Lord!

Monday, September 23, 2013

One Week Old

Happy birthday, sweet Esther!

I can't believe that it has been a week since our little preemie was born. It was a day of surprise and praise for God's perfect timing. Throughout the week, we have seen how God had already planned ahead and taken care of the little and big things surrounding this precious little child's birth and the steps leading her to being home with us. :D It makes me excited and in anticipation for what the future holds!

Today, I was able to get several updates on Esther. 

She weighs 3 lbs 12 oz, almost up to her birth weight of 4 lbs. :D YEAH! She continues to breathe well on her own. She will have her IV tubes removed by tomorrow. YEAH! She is close to regulating her body temperature (gaining weight will help) and will be moved into a crib-style bed... which means we can bring her preemie clothes to wear. YEAH! She isn't digesting her food as quickly as needed, so they have slowed down the feeding. The nurse said that starting tomorrow she will have 1 oz of food per meal! YEAH! She might need to go back under the photo therapy for jaundice. 

Prayer Requests:

  • To gain weight and be able to regulate her temp.
  • To practice sucking and have a desire to nurse.
  • Continue to grow and be strengthened.
  • Continue to visit Esther every day. BIG prayer.
  • Patiently wait on the Lord each day.
  • Spend time with husband and with Alena & Kenni.
  • Get enough rest.
  • Continue to trust God with finances.
  • Not to feel overwhelmed by work and family.
  • Reward his hardwork and his love for his family and God.
My other girls:
  • Get time with both of us and feel our love toward them.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Important Visitors

Update on Esther: 

Esther is doing really well. She is breathing on her own and doesn't even have the cannula in now! Yahoo! A step closer to home. :)

We thought she might have been moved to another room (ICN) last night, but we discovered it is not critical for discharge, so she hasn't been moved. The nurse informed me that she could be discharged from any room when she's ready.

They will be moving her feeding tube into the nose soon, so she can learn to nurse. Pray that she will be cooperative and the transition will be easy for us.

Kangaroo Care: 

Last night, Andy was able to do the Kangaroo care! He was so excited and enjoyed every minute. It brought such joy to my heart to see that precious moment! :)


Yesterday, Andy's mom was able to see her granddaughter for the first time. She hadn't been feeling well and wanted to be extra healthy for the little one. We were thrilled that both grandma and grandpa got to see Esther! Grandpa got a photo of her smile. :) Uncle Valeriy also joined us and took cute pictures of her toes. So precious.

Today we went again at two with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris! They traveled two hours to come visit baby Esty and each moment with her was treasured. :) Valeriy came back again today... He just can't stay away. I'm glad. ;)

My mom hadn't seen me or Esther since Sunday... She came and we spent the afternoon together while I did the Kangaroo Care. It was a wonderful visit and I can't wait to do it again. ;)


Our family is overwhelmed by all the blessings that God has given us and all the ways He has provided. Both my husband and I are at peace with her "coming early" and having three girls under three... Why? Because we serve an amazing God, we love Him and try to please Him with everything we say and do.... And He takes care of us. Amen.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Good News!

Praise the LORD for all the goodness that He has bestowed upon our family... especially baby Esther!

I'm thrilled that Andy & I were able to spend the evening with our little girl!(Thanks Brittany and Kaylee for babysitting!)

First, Esther is off the CPAP and is on the Cannula. This is really good news, because that also means that she will soon be moved to the ICN... a step closer to coming home! WOW. Thank you, Lord.

Second, during the day, Esther rolled over in her crib and our nurse caught her in the act. She laughed and showed the other nurses what little Esty did!

Third, while I was holding her, Esther decided to raise her head up.... again, and again... and again!

Lastly, afterwards when we were helping with the care time, Esther had her eyes opened and kept looking all round. She was trying to find us and trying to adjust her eyes to the light. Happiest moment!!!! :D

All I can say is "PRAISE THE LORD!" and "THANK YOU" to everyone of you who prays for my family and for me... and for baby Esther. We are grateful and God has been answering your prayers.

I know that we still have more to this journey, but we are getting closer... YEAH!

With a grateful heart,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back to the Real World

The Journey:

DAY #2

Tuesday was an emotional and busy day. We had many visitors come to see baby Esther and us. Andy was their tour guide... Inbetween visitors, I slept the day away... 

That evening, we had plan to leave the hospital at 5 o'clock in the evening. But a nurse, that we had been witnessing to (for the past three births... lol), recognized that I needed more time to be near Esther and worked it out for me to be there another night. I received dinner and my room for the night... We spend several hours with Esther and I was able to do the "Kangaroo Care" for the second time!

Kangaroo Care is very important in preemie care. Esther snuggles up on me... close to my heart for several hours. It helps us bond, makes her stronger, and stimulates her food supply.

Afterwards we left and spent our first night back in our own bed. That was wonderful! :D

DAY #3

Today, Andy went back to work and I went back to being a mommy and housewife. LOL It was so nice to see my other daughters, hugging them and kissing them... just loving on them. They make me laugh and smile. :)

Andy's mom took the girls at 1PM so I could get some KC with Esther. During that time, I sang and sang Bible Children's songs. I've noticed that the Kangaroo Care time with Esther has been drawing me closer to my Saviour and is strengthening and renewing me spiritually. It is also the perfect break that I need from my busy life. I'm so glad that God's plan is so perfect and that He knew.... and took care of me. 1 Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."

Esther's Update:

Our daughter is doing well. She weights 3 lbs 9 oz now. She still has the CPAP oxygen on, but the respiratory specialist said that she didn't think it would be for much longer. YEAH! She has been taking my milk now, which is absolutely wonderful! The doctor came in to look at her and said everything looked good. All good news about our Baby Esther....

She DOES need to be under the light for jaundice, but it's more preventive care than anything else. 

It makes me think of the song.... "He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the little itty baby in His hands." Our little Esther from birth has been and still is in our Heavenly Father's hands. I know He watches over her and cares for her. :D


  • Second vehicle: We really needed two cars for this time... and God worked everything out for us to be able to borrow a car from my parents. A huge blessing!
  • Laundry: I know this is ridiculous... but I had SO much laundry before leaving to the hospital and afterwards, when I came home, it was ALL done and folded. To my mom, a friend, and mother-in-law: THANK YOU!
  • Yuliya's health: Overall, I feel really good. I'm really glad that my body has healed so quickly. I makes it easier for me to do all that I need to, but don't worry, i have no plans to overdo it either.

  • Andy & Yuliya: For grace, understanding, kindness, and tender love toward each other.
  • My other daughters: To get the attention and love that they need.
  • Esther: For us to get bonding time with her. For her to grow and be strengthened daily.
  • Family: Finances, family time, adjustments, strength and patience, workable schedule

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blessings, Prayers, and Involvement

Andy's Update on Esther:

"Well, not a lot changed today until this evening. We went down with some family and found out that at her resting rate she is not requiring additional oxygen support! Praise the Lord! She is still wearing the CPAP machine for when she wakes up or they move her around but currently she is breathing on her own. We are doing the "Kangaroo Care" (skin to skin) for the first time tonight.
Today she opened her eyes for the first time since delivery. Being born isn't easy on such a little girl's body. Because of the quick delivery and oxygen mask, her eyes have been swollen but today I was holding her hand and she started opening one of her eyes. We turned out the lights and she turned her head towards me and through those puffy little eyelids... she was looking at her daddy! Pretty exciting. :) Her skin is also starting to clear up a little and the bruises starting to heal. She is still very fragile but it's great to see every little bit of progress God gives us! The Plan is for us is to be discharged tomorrow night. "


We really appreciated all the visitors we had today. It meant a lot to us and brought us joy and laughter. 

First we had Andy's grandpa come by. He was thrilled to see we all were doing well and enjoyed meeting his great granddaughter. :)

Most of our visitors descended upon us between 3 PM and 7 PM. Lol First a sweet couple who waited forever to see us and a good friend who brought Esther her first preemie outfit (an unexpected need). :)

Afterwards my parents and brother brought our little girls to see us! Boy have we missed them! Alena was so emotional when she saw me and Kenni couldn't keep still and just wanted me to hold her. 

Soon after my aunt Inna and cousin came by... Bringing me my favorite russian treats. :D It became a party. After lots of hugs/kisses with our babies, sharing updates, and even glimpses of the precious babe, my husband saw that I needed some rest and shooed them all away. ;)

Last my cousins came and we spend the evening together laughing. :D

Prayer requests:

  • Weight gain and growth
  • Learn to suck and swallow
  • Continue to breathe on own without assistance
  • Begin producing milk
  • Adjust to separation
  • Visiting daily with Esther

We realize that many of you would love to see Esther, but her time in the Nicu, we hope and pray will be brief and so we must concentrate on getting Yuliya to spend the most time with her so as to encourage bonding which will be critical to bringing her home quickly. Afterwards we'd love for you to come and see this little beauty of ours. :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Esther: God's Perfect Timing


Our little girl was due on November 20th, a week before Thanksgiving, but quoting a friend who said "Little Esther must have a lot of work to do for The Lord and wanted to get an early start." She may have arrived nine weeks earlier than man's timing, but she was right on time for God's perfect plan for her. We had prayed for her birth, name and the entire event. This pregnancy was unique and I sensed that her birth would be special. 

I started having contractions at two this morning, by five o'clock it was 10 minutes apart, by the time we left for the hospital... I knew I was in active labor. When the nurse checked me, she discovered that I was already 6cm dilated. After a half hour, it went up to 8 cm. They realized that they wouldn't be able to stop her and sent me to the delivery room. 

My doctor, who hadn't delivered my other daughters, was able to deliver our little Esther. Before he broke the water, my husband prayed in front of him, the nurse, mom and myself. I delivered her at noon.

Esther was 4lbs, had a large umbilical cord, lived in a large sac, and even cried immediately after birth. I was able to hold her on me for a while, too. Huge blessings!

We discover God's reason for her early birth: The placenta had begun to abrupt. There was blood within her fluids indicting the importance of this early delivery. She was born prior to it reaching her.

As soon as Esther was born, I felt God's peace. God reassured me that everything was good. He had little Esther in His hands. I know God is watching over her and will take care of her. :)


Esther is a heroine in the Bible. She was a Jew that trusts God and trusted her guardian. She demonstrated it by the life she lived and the choices she made. She was humble and dependent on her God. She became the queen and ended up saving her people the Israelities from being destroyed.

Hope is looking forward to something and trusting God with your future. We had chosen this name because We "hope" toward our eternal home in Heaven. It is where we are going and where We pray our children will be. :)

Prayer Requests:

Thank you everyone for your prayers. Here are some specific requests.

 A workable schedule
  • Visit Esther daily
  • Have other daughters babysat
  • Provision for travel
For Esther
  • Lungs to continue to develop so she can breathe on her own
  • Next: to be able to breathe, suck and swallow for feeding
For Yuliya
  • A Quick recovery
  • Strength and wisdom
For Andrew
  • Encouragement
  • Discernment for family/work schedule