Thursday, September 19, 2013

Good News!

Praise the LORD for all the goodness that He has bestowed upon our family... especially baby Esther!

I'm thrilled that Andy & I were able to spend the evening with our little girl!(Thanks Brittany and Kaylee for babysitting!)

First, Esther is off the CPAP and is on the Cannula. This is really good news, because that also means that she will soon be moved to the ICN... a step closer to coming home! WOW. Thank you, Lord.

Second, during the day, Esther rolled over in her crib and our nurse caught her in the act. She laughed and showed the other nurses what little Esty did!

Third, while I was holding her, Esther decided to raise her head up.... again, and again... and again!

Lastly, afterwards when we were helping with the care time, Esther had her eyes opened and kept looking all round. She was trying to find us and trying to adjust her eyes to the light. Happiest moment!!!! :D

All I can say is "PRAISE THE LORD!" and "THANK YOU" to everyone of you who prays for my family and for me... and for baby Esther. We are grateful and God has been answering your prayers.

I know that we still have more to this journey, but we are getting closer... YEAH!

With a grateful heart,

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