Endless Photo Stream:
We live in a society that takes pictures ALL the time! We love to take pictures of the world around us, nature and all its beauty, our family/friends, ourselves "selfies", our possession/treasures... and even food! We may even try and organize these photos onto our laptops. HA! I began to realize that taking pictures could be used for something more lasting and more rewarding!
Photo Albums:
My photos are organized first by year. 2008, 2009, 2010... etc. Secondly, I have a folder for events throughout each year. I also have a folder for each daughter, sometimes even by months. I have a generic folder for all Iphone photos as a initial "catch-all".
A Special Folder:
When I was pregnant with my first daughter (2011), I noticed that God kept using people around me to provide for our needs. They were physical and tangible items, like boxes of diapers, bags of baby girl clothes or my maternity wear. I wanted to remember each gift God gave us. "Count your blessings, name them one by one."
Given to us from a church friend, unexpected and just what we needed.
Bags... And BAGS of baby girl clothes purchased by my parents.
So I created the "Blessings" album. It would be used to remember all the small and big gifts that God gave our family. It would be used to show my girls how MUCH God loved them before they were born and how He provided for their individual needs! This album was my stone altar that the Joshua and the tribes built after God divided the waters of the Jordan for them to cross over. (Joshua 5:5-18) The stones would be their memorial and reminder, just as these albums would be for my family.
In the folder, I would put not only those "BIG" gifts but also little insignificant gifts. I would even put food/drink gifts!
Received in mail after my second girl was born.
Had a rough day and my husband bought these to encourage me.
The Result:
This has changed the way I see things given to my family. I thank the giver and appreciate their gift more. I see that God is the ultimate benefactor (James 1:17) and it makes me praise Him more. I trust Him to continue to be our great provider and caring Heavenly Father. I anticipate new "blessings" that I will add along the way. I pray harder and more specifically, knowing that He is listening and providing. I smile more and worry less. I am more grateful and more content with all I have.
Find a way to capture "God's blessings" in a way to works for you! :)
Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done,
and thy thoughts which are to us-ward:
they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee:
if I would declare and speak of them,
they are more than can be numbered.
Psalm 40:5
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