Titus 2:3-4
"The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness.... That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children." Titus 2:3-4
Being a Submissive Friend:
(Jesus to His Heaven Father)
We aren't just friends with our peers, but we
can have a friendship with our authorities as well. I want you think about one
mature Christian woman who is living the life that you wish you could have.
Someone you admire and have great respect for. Write down their
Philippians 3:17
be followers together of me, and
mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample." Phil. 3:17
Jesus, from the start, displayed a friendship
with God the Father. He was continuously looking for ways to connect with His
Father. He would often go to a mountain to pray. He often said that He did
whatever the Father commanded Him to do. He sought to please and imitate Him.
Paul tells us to be followers of him… as he
followed Christ. We also read that older women are to instruct younger women.
Look at older women around you in church. These women are trying to live God-honoring and
pleasing lives. They are faithful to the ministry. They love their husbands and have raised their children. They love, care, and want to get to know you more. They have some
experience and understanding of the Christian life.
Find one older Christian woman who is living
the kind of life you'd like to have. It may not be the "ideal" or
perfect life, but many women have characteristics, habits and life experiences
which they are more than willing to share.. if only asked. Maybe it's a teen worker, maybe it's a wife/mother from church, maybe it's a pastor/deacon's
wife, or maybe it's a godly mature "grandmother". You will not only make a
friend but you will grow and mature a lot in your Christian walk.
READ - Phil. 4:9
things, which ye have both learned,
and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and
the God of peace shall be with you." Phil. 4:9
Building an Submissive
#1 Say Hi. Introduce
yourself. (not all older people are scary)
#2 Respect their
leadership and authority. (Listen and obey their requests)
#3 Get involved with the
things they do or be in their ministry/outreach. (Be around them)
#4 Help them with projects
they have. (around the house, scrapbooking, their church ministry)
#5 Watch them closely and
observe what they do. (responding to conflict, treat their kids/spouse etc.)
#6 Listen attentively to
what they say. (you never know when you will find that pearl of wisdom!)
#7 Imitate the good things. (Mimicry is the highest form of flattery)
#8 Forgive them if they
make a mistake. (We are ALL human.)
#9 Pray for them daily.
(For them to be a good leader, wife and example for you and others…)
#10 Love them! :D
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