Esther's Progress:
She now weighs 5 lbs, sleeps in crib, and nurses! The doctors and nurses are thrilled with how well she is doing and the progress she is making. Esther needs to be consistently taking a bottle and nursing while keeping her heart steady and gaining weight in order to go home. :)
They have mentioned that she could go home at the end of this week, but please pray that she'll go home next Tuesday. We have a conference this Wednesday through Saturday that is important to our family and can't miss it. I'd also like to "room-in" with her at the hospital overnight and next Monday is my best option to do so.
Rooming-in will allow me to have uninterrupted time and concentration on nursing Esther for a full day and night, plus give me extra support from nurses on how to best care for my preemie at home. :)
* Nurses and takes bottle
* Going twice each day to visit Esther
* Rooming-in next Sunday night through Tuesday
* Going home Tuesday, October 21st
Looking Ahead:
We are thrilled that Esther is coming home SOON! Please pray for me as I adjust to being a mom to three under "2".
* A working day schedule
* Sleeping arrangements
* Adjust for other daughters to baby Esther
* Maintaining house/meals for all :D
So great to hear baby Ester is progressing so well! I will be praying that everything continues to go well so that you can have your baby home home on the 21st. It is amazing you will have 3 kids under 2 years old. Phil 4:13 You can do all things through Christ.