Esther is now 4 lbs 5 oz!! She has been steadily growing and continues to get stronger every day. Her temperature level inside the incubator is 30 degrees C and needs to drop down to room temperature which is 26 degrees C. She is still on a slower feeding time and needs to get down to "gravity" feedings.
On Wednesday, the lactation worker came by and helped me better understand how to nurse a preemie. Preemies have a hard time doing anything and use up lots of energy with every move and/or discomfort. She has nursed twice (Wed. and Thur.) but tonight was really tired. Pray for her to be more alert during visits. Pray for strength for feeding.
* Continue to grow, nurse, and regulate her body temp.
* Protection of good health.
* Continue to visit Esther daily and even twice coming up soon.
* Our daughters have been sick and restless and cranky. Pray for healing.
* Pray Andy and I don't get sick and have strength each day.
* Pray for us to be a godly testimony and witness to others.
* Please pray for sleep and rest each night.
God has been so good to us. We are excited to see all the ways that Esther is growing. We are thankful for all the gifts, help, and prayers that we have received. We love sharing with others all that God has done. We hope that each of you will grow in your faith as you continue read our story. :D
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