Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pregnancy: 3rd Trimester

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14

First Off:

#1 I'm NOT pregnant. LOL

#2 I loved being pregnant!

#3 I personally know over ten-fifteen pregnant women. No joke!

***This post is for you!***

#4 If you are not pregnant, share this with a friend who is. :)

Third Trimester (Overview):

It begins at 28 weeks and ends at birth. :D Symptoms that you typically get with third trimester: backaches, frequent bathroom breaks, restless nights from discomfort and anxiety, stressful thoughts about birth and motherhood, and frustration. This could be the shortest trimester or feel like the longest.... You just don't know when baby will come. Be patient. My first two came on their due date and the third came at thirty weeks. :) I understand your frustration, but patience and trusting in the Lord is the best answer. 

Helpful tips:

Have a prayer birthing plan. Write it down and Let God know what you want for the birth. I did that with my 2nd and 3rd daughter and God answered them specifically. :D It was incredible. Your birth will be unique and very special. Enjoy the anticipation and enjoy the last few weeks of being pregnant with your little one. :) It's a special time.


Keep taking relaxing baths. Listen to calm music. Drink warm teas. Pray and read your Bible. 

If you want the baby to come faster, WALK your malls or parks. I walked with the my first two and it was the best way to get the labor started. :D (I think I walked every mall we had around us.)


Memorize a Bible verse to help you through the contractions and labor. (Best thing I did!) Don't go to the hospital til you can't stand the pain. Til it becomes unbearable. :) Giving birth is apart of life. Your body knows what to do. Take deep breaths and relax. Pray to God for strength and repeat the Bible verse over and over again. It will help you through the contractions.

Types of LABOR:

My first one I had an epidural and a c-section. The pain is manageable, but the recovery is longer. The second one was the quickest and all-natural. The pain was very great, but the recovery was easier. I did tear, which made bathroom breaks painful. The third one was early and unexpected. I had her naturally with an epidural. The pain was great, but the recovery was the easiest. 

I will be honest with you. My favorite birth was the second one. I know, the pain was the greatest, but afterwards, I felt so empowered as a woman. I felt like my body and I could do something that seemed impossible. It's an unbelievable feeling. Totally worth it.

I'm thankful for the experiences of the other births and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I know they were exactly what God wanted. Appreciate the birth of your children. Be thankful for the things you could do, but don't sorrow or feel regret for the things that didn't work out. Sometimes God's plan is bigger and better than ours. So be thankful and happy.

How to Pray:

Pray for patience for parents. Pray for strength for labor/delivery for mom. Pray for wisdom and discernment for doctors, midwives or other assistants. Pray for God's timing and God's plan of the birth. Pray for easier recovery and rest for mother. Pray for good health for mom and child. Pray for husband to have wisdom, offer great support, and be there for labor/delivery.

My love to you:

Hope this helps you as you journey through the pregnancy! To all my pregnant ladies, I'm praying for you and your little one! LOVE you! :)

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