"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14
First Off:
#1 I'm NOT pregnant. LOL
#2 I loved being pregnant!
#3 I personally know over ten-fifteen pregnant women. No joke!
***This post is for you!***
#4 If you are not pregnant, share this with a friend who is. :)
Why I'm writing this?
I will be writing a three part blog to encourage pregnant women through their pregnancy (one for each trimester) and one post-pregnancy blog post. I've got a little bit of experience with pregnancy (3 babies in 3 years... lol) and I also have 3 different labor/delivery experiences. At the end of each blog, I'll share also share how you can pray for someone who is pregnant or for yourself. :)
First Trimester (Overview):
The first trimester begins with conception and ends at 13 weeks. Doctors calculate pregnancy from the last menstrual cycle. Symptoms that are typically found in the first trimester are: going to bathroom every five minutes, being nauseated, sleeping and hungry all the time! :)
I know, you are so excited and overjoyed to find out you are pregnant (especially if it's the first time)! But please, heed this advice: DO NOT SHARE ON FACEBOOK (or other media) til the second trimester!.... on that note, keep the sharing with family or friends to a minimum! Two of my friends share it publicly and lost their baby. They were devastated but afterwards, everyone also pitied them and they felt it. Your body is learning how to be pregnant, for some it's not a problem but for other's, there is heartbreak first. (I had two positives.. before my first... and a week later got my period)
Helpful Tips:
The best thing to do is to RELAX and ENJOY IT. Nothing will help your pregnancy more. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22 KJV
Take your prenatal. Drink lots of water. Eat more often but don't overeat. If you choose healthier food choices, your baby will get healthier nutrition and build a better immune system.
Touch your belly. Pray for your child and for the pregnancy. Take bubble baths with Epsom salts and essential oils: lavender, chamomile, spearmint. (BEST thing I did!)
Read "What to Expect" and download their iPhone app. I read the book through my first pregnancy and I used the app with each of my girls. :)
How to Pray:
Whether it's for you the pregnant woman or for a friend you know who is. :)
Pray for the child's health. Pray for strength and less sickness for mom. ;) Pray for the whole family and especially the husband. Pray for knowledge on what foods to eat. Pray for better control of emotions. Pray how you can be a blessing to them. :) (BUY them bath products)
My love to you:
Hope this helps you as you journey through the pregnancy! To all my pregnant ladies, I'm praying for you and your little one! LOVE you! :)
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