Monday, March 10, 2014

A Patient God


"And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth." Ex. 34:6 KJV

God is Patient with Us:

Ever had a bad day? An unsuccessful or unproductive day? Ever felt like, instead of moving forward, you had taken two steps back? All your progress is now undone? Ever made a mistake or two... or three? Ever felt like you failed God or yourself? 

You are not a failure. GOD designed you and knows, exactly, where you are in life's journey. He knows what you want to accomplish and what your heart's desires are. (Ps. 37:4) He knows how you are progressing. He knows each step you take: the good and bad. He even knows your mistakes and your faults. He is patient with you and each step you take.

"He accepts us with our flaws, He is kind and understanding and He welcomes us because we are His erring children, and He loves us everyone, and He freely and completely forgives all that we have done." Helen Steiner Rice 

He loves you. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. (Rom. 5:8)

Patient with Ourselves:

We judge ourselves more harshly then we do others. Sometimes, we need to remember that God forgave us first. It's easy to see our faults and failures or to get frustrated with our lack of progress. But God loves us, even while we are yet sinners. God is patient with us... through each trial as we learn and grow. Some days may be difficult and some easy... but God is with us... Each step of the way. We must remember that we are not perfect. Although we may not be where we want to be and we still have a road to take to get there. That's okay. Be patient with yourself. Sometimes, we need to rest. That's good, too. We need breaks. Sometimes, we need strength and to pray.

Take a moment, now, and breathe. Tomorrow, try again. It's a new day! :D (Lam 3:22-23)

Patient with Others:

Just as God is patient with us: our faults and mistakes, our lack of progress, and even wrong attitudes or pride, we should also be patient with others. They are learning too. They are growing. They may be just starting on their journey. They may be simple-minded or arrogant. As fellow believers, we are traveling on the same road together. As God has given us grace and mercy, we should extend that to those around us. 

Love them through their journey and be patient with their progress. Give a helping hand. Encourage/support the good and resist judging or voicing the bad. They are trying... just as you are trying. Be slow to speak. Be patient with others.

Strive to live your life right... and they will follow your example... as you follow Christ's. "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." 1 Cor. 11:1 KJV

1 comment:

  1. I can attest to the "Lead the Field" series being a true beneficial learning in my life. I sometimes don't realize it but my day to day activities and attitude towards them reflect my understanding of these lessons. Truly appreciative and inspired by this!
