Tuesday, March 4, 2014

People We Don't Like

Anyone You Know?:

There are the people we simply don't like. They annoy us. They frustrate us. They are mean. They are too happy at times. They can be clingy. They wear us down. They talk a lot. They are rude. They've said/done things that hurt us. They are just hard people to get along with.

These people obviously aren't our best friends, but we wouldn't say they are our enemies either.

A Biblical Example:

Peter seemed like one of those people to me. I’m not sure I would have gotten along with him. He was too up/down emotionally. He was outspoken and did things without thinking them through. (Matt. 14:28, Mark 9:5) In the end, Peter betrayed his friend deeply. (Matt. 26:33, 35, 75) Honestly, Peter would have been the last person I would have wanted close to me. He would have been one of the twelve…. But not someone I would have made significant.

Yet if you read your Bible, you’ll see that Peter was actually favored by Jesus. Jesus befriended him to a “best friend” status. (Matthew 17:1)

Be a Good Friend:

We need to make it a priority to love those people we don’t like. We are to bless them, feed them, clothe them, be kind to them. Favor them. (Matt. 5:44) Have you ever considered praying for them and their needs/desires? Remember they may act that way because of scars they bear. Maybe they need prayer for God's mercy/kindness. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much. (James 5:16) 

Maybe they just need a listening ear and a compassionate heart. Maybe they need someone to strengthen them and encourage them.

When we choose to love the unlovable, GOD can do the unthinkable... and change their lives. If we have compassion on them and love them unconditionally, over time, we will have won a friend and gain a close companion; but we will have also brought someone closer to Christ…. In the process, we ourselves grow in the Lord too. :D

Show compassion. Love those people you don't like.

"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21

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