"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deut. 6:7
Although this is a devotion based for kids... if you don't have a personal daily devotion, you can use this for yourself! :D
The Background:
Back in January, I began reading through my Bible for the third year in a row. I have a daily reading schedule I follow, a prayer journal that I regularly update and pray through, and simply strive to get closer to my Saviour. But I began to realize that my children need to start a daily habit of spending moments with their Saviour.
Starting a daily devotion with two toddlers was NOT easy, in fact, many times I wanted to quit and give up!
I want my children to develop spiritual habits that are as familiar to them as learning to walk, eat, speak and do their "ABCs". I want them to learn about creation and this world from the Biblical perspective. I want them memorize scripture and sing Bible songs... not just "Let it GO!" or Disney classics. See, the world will teach them alot...... but it will not teach them the BIBLE and its truths. I pray daily as I strive to discipline us to have a daily devotion.
I found out that you could read the entire New Testament in one year, if you read a chapter a day during just the work week! :) For a little child, one chapter is more than enough. So that's what we do. :) One chapter a day. (Currently we are in the book of Mark.)
We do our devotions after breakfast when they are happy and content. We start by getting the Bible and journal book. I give them pens and highlighters to hold as they sit on either side of me on the couch.
1. We pray and ask God to help us listen and not talk or to just sit still.
2. We sing and act out Bible songs. We review the Bible memory verses. (Alena now knows two. Kenni is learning one.)
3. We read one chapter of the New Testament.
4. After we are done, I write in our journal book with the date and a small paragraph of where I read and the content.
5. I then draw one picture of a story we read about. (The girls love this part!)
6. I write out one prayer request.
7. Lastly, I have them sign their names("draw a picture"). :D
This system took a while for me to figure out.. with lots of errors and mistakes but with persistence, it has become easier and more fun! I'm continually adding new songs and more Bible verses to memorize.
Each habit that we try to create takes time and discipline. You, too, can create your own daily devotion and do one with your kids. Take small steps. With time and understanding, it will develop and mature. Be patient and pray alot. God wants to help you. Don't give up. Realize Satan is your enemy. Keep your eyes focused on Christ and seek His Help and His Strength!
"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily"
John Maxwell
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