Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Faithful Runner

"But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24

The Runner:

Let's pretend that you are a runner in a marathon. What is the most important thing about your race? It's not the beginning or the middle. It's not about the trials/challenges along the way. It's not about how fast you are. It's that you finished and end well. (Ecc. 7:8)

Well, this is also what is MOST important in a Christian life. When you become a Christian, you begin your race in the Christian life. 

Watch Out:

Sometimes, this world distracts us and tempts us with desires. Sometimes, we get tired and want to quit. (2 Thes. 3:13) Sometimes, we feel like we've done our time and we don't need to strive like we did before. Truth is, GOD tells us to strive to win the "CROWN". Press onward and upward! It means that we work harder until the end. We need to strive to be better runners today then yesterday. We need to stay focused on Jesus, the author and FINISHER of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) It's important that we finish well!

Be Faithful:

It's easy to think we've done our time. It's easy to believe that we aren't important anymore. It's easy to say someone else can do a better job. It's easy to fall into Satan's lies about us, our talents and abilities. BUT.... it's wrong and it's not TRUE. We have talents/special abilities that GOD wants to manifest (magnify) and use for His glory. 

If you are living today, you have WORK to do for the Saviour. You are an important part of His church body. You are vital and others are looking up to you! More importantly, God call us to stay faithful to the end! "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Matthew 25:21, 23 

We need to keep doing the things GOD has called us to do. We need to stay steadfast in our work. Are you a business worker? Work hard/Keep at it! Are you a mother? Be a godly one! Teach them the Bible! Are you a teacher or preacher? Stay faithful! Seek God's wisdom! Are you a grandma? Pray for your kids/grandkids! Serve in a ministry! Wherever you are at, whatever you do... don't give up and don't quit. Remember it's not how we start.... or even run....

It's how you finish and end. Press on for the heavenly crown!

The Grand Prize: 

Look toward Heaven, the eternal home. The rest/relaxation. The beauty of being in God's presence. The streets of gold. No tears/no sorrow. The reward for our hard labor. The crown. The GRAND PRIZE. Our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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