Monday, August 25, 2014

Do You "Murmur"?

"Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world." Phil. 2:14-15 KJV

Never Assume:

These verses have been on my mind for the past several weeks. I really like them and am encouraged by them. But as I was studying for this lesson, I came across a surprise: murmuring does not mean "complaining or arguing". Wait, what!? 

This is the actual definition: "a mumbled or private expression of discontent" and "malicious whispering of slander". Whispering, private expression, mumbling... This isn't about public complaining. This is about quiet, behind people's backs, and in the heart kind of complaining. OUCH! (My old murmuring blog post)

Disputing actually means "to engage in argument or debate". That's complaining and arguing. Which one do you struggle with? Is it the outer one of fighting and arguing with those around you? Or is the in secret or inside your heart one?

Do All Things:

God tells us to "Do all things..." that means in everything and at all times. We need to stop disputing with our parents, our siblings, and our spouses (any authority over us), and even stop murmuring against them. We need to stop having a resistant heart toward them and have a submissive humble heart instead. We need to obey the commands/requests they give us and to respect their authority over us. (Heb. 13:17, Col. 3:20, Eph. 5:22)

Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 1 Peter 5:5


More than that, we need to be peacemakers. (Mat. 5:9) Let others win. Don't fight back. Let go of the issue. Seek forgiveness. Give it to GOD. (Romans 12:19) Do you keep the peace in your house? (Romans 12:18) Do you have a quiet and meek spirit? 1 Peter 3:4 It's important to God and makes a difference in the spirit of the home. :D

Do your part in making things right before God and before those around you. (James 5:16) Work on fixing those areas that you are weak in. Pray that God can help them to be better leaders for you. 

Shining Lights:

My favorite part of these verses is the reward... "Shining Lights in the world". If you live peaceably with those around you, you will shine brightly before them and others. People will wonder why... and you will stand out to them. 

"This Little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine!"

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