Monday, September 15, 2014

A Forgiven Life

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8


Is there someone you are frustrated with or someone who has hurt you? Is there someone who you are continuously bitter/angry at?

When I was younger, I felt deeply hurt by someone close to me. Afterwards I became bitter and angry, and for several years, I would dwell on all the pain and heartache that I thought this person had caused me. I would easy get upset and frustrated whenever the name/situation was mentioned. I wanted to hear an apology. I wanted to be justified. I wanted things to be fixed.

The problem was not the other person...........

It was me. What I didn't realize was that I was holding on... when I really needed to LET GO. I had been living with long-term unforgiveness.


God says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We are not perfect. We fight with others. We worry and get upset. We lie and cheat to get our way. (Exodus 20) We are selfish. We are sinners, YET God still loves us and Jesus still died for all of our sins! (Matt. 6:14-15)

Recently, a friend of mine came up to visit family and had told me prior that I would be able to see her. I was excited and anticipating a long overdo visit! :D During the time that she was here, I hadn't seen her or heard from her. I was crushed and frustrated. I thought I wasn't important enough... It hurt, but I loved her and cared MORE about our friendship, so I forgave her immediately. When she got home, she explained they were out of range for cell phone service and she felt terrible for not getting together with me. I had already forgiven her and told her that there was NO strife between us. I had made the choice to forgive right away.

We need to learn to forgive others IMMEDIATELY and COMPLETELY. We need to let go and let love cover a multitude of sins. (Proverbs 10:12, 17:9) It's a way of life. God forgives us while we sin. God tells us to forgive others (while they sin). 

We can be freed from the captive of bitterness and anger. We can live peaceable with those around us. I am much happier living this way! I can make friends and keep them.

Who do you still have to forgive? Forgive them now. Every time they or the situation comes up say it again: "It's been forgiven and now, I'm forgetting it again."

Let it go. Live in freedom. Enjoy a forgiven life.

"Behold, for peace I had great bitterness: 
but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: 
for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back." 
Isaiah 38:17

PS. I have been trying to write weekly, but the LAST three weeks, I have been dealing with sick babies. I, myself, have been very sick. Thanks for being understanding. 

I am sorry for not writing consistently. Please forgive me? Thank you!

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