Thursday, April 2, 2015

Plans Change

"But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the LORD his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper." 2 Kings 5:11


Yesterday, I had a busy day running errands with my girls. After picking up my husband, we went home, ate our dinner, and starting getting ready for church. Although my children and I were dressed for church most of the day, after the meal, the girls needed to be changed and I didn't like what I was wearing and kept changing my outfit. 

Understandably, my husband starting getting frustrated. I know being on time is important. I am working on doing a better job of it. :)

We were late... Just as we came up to the first stop sign on the way to church, these teens literally crossed our path. As they walked by, my husband recognized one of them from our bus ministry. He called out to them. It had been raining and was getting dark. They all needed rides home. The two guys, who have never been to church, were extremely grateful that they didn't have to walk an hour up and down hills to go home. Praise God.... things didn't go according to our plan.

What if we left on time? What if things did go according to our plans... we wouldn't have seen them. We would have missed a great opportunity to reach others for Christ. :)


His story is found in 2 Kings 5. He had a plan for how he should have been healed. He wanted it to be easy and quick, so he got frustrated and even mad... that things didn't go according to his plan. "Ugh! I have to do what!? Dunk myself in some nasty water? Really?" When he did it, he humbled himself and gave glory and reverence to God. (vs. 15, 17) Would he have honored God if it was easy or pleasant? Probably not.

So... If Your Plans Change:

If things don't go according to your plan, it's okay. God's plan is better. He has a reason and a purpose for changing your plans. Don't let it bring you down or discourage you, rather trust God and watch to see how God will use it for His glory! (Isaiah 55:9, Prov. 3:5-6, Ecc. 7:8, Psalms 37:23)

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