"Brethren, pray for us." 1 Th. 5:25
Weird Weekend:
Anyone have times where people come up to you and specifically ask you to pray for something? This weekend, I had three separate people contact me out-of-the-blue to pray for them. It felt odd. Normally, I have people on my mind that God tells me to pray for, but this weekend, He sent them my way to ask. So let's talking about praying for others. :)
Pray. (It's Important):
"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:15-16
I'll love these verses. Your prayers are very important. When you pray for others, God uses those prayers to intercede on their behalf. We don't know what God is doing in their heart, so we need to be stedfast in prayer. Sometimes the response takes awhile, so be patient. God uses your experiences and trials to train you to pray for others in similar situations. God uses your answered prayers to encourage you in your own prayer life. Write prayers down, date them, and keep track of them. Prayers that have been checked off are great at motivating us to KEEP praying! :)
Pray Very Specifically:
Make the prayers are specific as you can. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding on what is needed. (James 1:5, Luke 11:9-13, Romans 8:26) Some examples for prayers:
*General: New car for a friend.
*Specific: Needs an affordable van to fit 7 people.
*General: Good health for friend.
*Specific: Ease the back and muscles, give her rest and healing.
*General: Relationship struggles for a friend.
*Specific: Protection on marriage, wisdom and understanding, submitting to each other
Pray with Them:
The next time, someone asks you to pray for them. Stop right there and pray with them. Aloud. God says when two or more are gathered in His name, He is there. :) When you pray aloud with other people, it encourages you and them. God is with you and is listening to the prayers. Sadly, I don't think we do this as often as we ought to. Let's change that!
Pray without Ceasing:
There is always someone who needs your prayers:
Youth Workers?
Pastor's Wife?
Spouse? (Future Spouse)?
There is always a need:
Death of a Loved One?
Sickness/Illness/Hospital Stay?
Depression or Discouraged?
Relationship Problems?
Frustrations? Overwhelmed?
Loneliness? Bitterness?
What prayers does your friend need? Have you prayed for them today?
"Pray without ceasing." 1. Th. 5:17
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