Friday, January 23, 2015

Recharging the Battery

"Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." Psalm 143:8

A Dying Cell Phone:

The battery on my phone dies all the time! It's probably my fault though... I connect with people throughout the day on it (texting, phone calls, and messages), take lots of pictures of my girls, listen to relaxing music, look for new recipes and ways to declutter/organize my home. I use my phone all the time, which of course, uses the battery life.

Rough Days:

How was your day yesterday? Hard to get through? 
How's your attitude this morning? A little crabby? Did everything go wrong? 

Days can be difficult (Mondays especially!). Problems can be hard to get through. Emotions can be high and five minutes later, crazy low! Little kids have a way of testing emotions, keeping a home neat and organize is tough to do, and dishes or laundry pill ups create stress... life is just hard. 


"Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily." Psalm 86:3

It's so important to spend time with God as soon as we can each day. Just as we use up our batteries on our phone, we use up our spiritual battery throughout our day. We use it by encouraging others, by loving those in need, by sharing God's strength with those around us.

"But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?" Job 28:12

How can we use wisdom if we don't first receive it from our Bible? (Job 12:13, 28:28, James 1:5, James 3:17)

How can God be our encouragement and strength throughout our day if we don't first connect with Him? (1 Peter 5:8, Isaiah 35:3, Psalm 1:2-3) 

Charge it:

Did you plug yourself into your spiritual battery charger? Have you spent time with God in his Word? Have you sat down for just a few minutes and read some encouraging words in the Psalms? (Psalm 42:1)

Plug yourself in God's Word today and be charged for your day!

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